Local Planning Authorities have a statutory obligation to consider trees when they receive a planning application. Many will not even register an application if it doesn't have a Tree Survey, Arboricultural Impact Assessment, and Arboricultural Method Statement which follow the recommendations within the British Standard (BS5837).
By engaging us at the start of your planning process we can advise you and your architect on how best to achieve a sustainable design which retains the better quality trees. We will liaise with the design and build team to provide all the supporting documents you need for the Council to consider the trees, and we can provide advice from the design stage all the way through to the discharge of conditions.
Planning conditions often require Arboricultural Monitoring and Supervision of construction sites. This can be at regular intervals or when particular activities occur near trees (eg. excavation, foundations installation, path/road construction etc.). We can provide a toolbox-talk service and monitoring/supervision with a written record of the visit and photographic evidence for discharge of conditions.
We are arboricultural specialists in tree consultancy for planning and development.
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Holt Arboriculture Limited is registered in England and Wales with company number 15381003